Alcohol Addiction Treatment
Alcohol addiction treatment begins when patients are ready to admit that they have a problem and are willing to seek professional help. It sounds like a simple and obvious step. However, it can be quite a stumbling block for some people. In fact, this is a very important first step that many adults, unfortunately, cannot admit to on their own. Sometimes, it will take a close friend or family member to open their eyes to what addiction is doing to them and the people in their lives. Each year, less than 20% of those who suffer from alcohol addiction will find treatment from a Pennsylvania alcohol rehab program. That is truly unfortunate. A large percentage of the population still views addiction as some kind of shameful disease. As a result, they will hide their alcohol addiction from their friends and family, which just makes the problem worse. These individuals miss out on getting the right help they need to get through withdrawal symptoms and begin working toward sobriety. When patients first arrive at a Pennsylvania alcohol rehab center, they will receive a thorough evaluation to determine their current health and the level of addiction. Depending on the severity, certified therapists and medical staff will determine the best alcohol addiction treatment program, which may include:- Cognitive-behavioral therapy
- Dialectical behavior therapy
- Individual and group therapy
- Family counseling
What to Expect at Alcohol Rehab Centers in Pennsylvania
Here is what you can expect when you enroll in alcohol rehab centers in Pennsylvania:- Detox program – Patients with severe withdrawal symptoms that have prevented them from reaching their goals. Medication-assisted therapy is available to help reduce withdrawal symptoms and curb your cravings for alcohol.
- Residential treatment program – For patients who need full-time addiction recovery. Typically this follows a detox program and can last for 30-90 days depending on the severity of the addiction.